Friday, September 21, 2012

On and on

As I've gotten older I've decided to keeping living and reflecting separate. Lots of people can do both at the same time, but I don't know how well they do either, and it doesn't matter anyway because I'm not one of them. And I've always put writing in that second category, which I think explains quite a bit why there hasn't been a lot of new content around here.

For a good several months I've been busy, culture-shocked, and jet-lagged. Now, as fall settles in, I'm back home in Williamstown and things are just quiet and still enough that it's about time to write again. While on the run I piled up a good amount of words and paper about this and that, and it's time for some sortin'.

It might feel a bit like a grab-bag, but hasn't this whole thing felt that way?

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