Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Open Letter to those Four Girls Getting High in St. Istvan Park the Other Day

Hey guys:

No, really, go ahead, responsibly. You picked a great spot to do that. Off in the corner behind the "Sack-carrier" statue, behind some bushes, where no one really goes except people on their way to the dog park. The only people who can see you are those of us who live in the apartments directly over you, and who happen to be sitting on our balconies for a few minutes watching the sunset while dinner is on the stove.

Of course, you're pretty loud, but that's fine. That coughing happens to everyone. And yes, that thing one of you said a little while ago was probably really that funny. I'm sure it was the funniest thing you heard in weeks. So you know, go ahead and laugh away, as hard as you want.

But girls, I would just direct your attention to what's around you. The sun is setting over the Buda hills, the Danube is shining in gold and silver and blue. The park is all green and quiet, just the distant sound of little kids at the playground at the other end. The weather has been dreary for awhile, right, so isn't it nice that at last the air is warm, that it is June, and that here you are?

Isn't it a miracle that you are young and beautiful, and you are on your own and your families aren't hovering over you? Isn't it thrilling to become aware that you are a person, capable of breaking rules, of making your own decisions, making your own mistakes? Isn't it nice to crack your friends up, to talk about silly things just because — well, whoa — don't words just sound so amazing? You probably deserve a break from thinking about exams or the Future or whatever Hungarian kids your age stress about.

But listen, I mean this the best possible way. You're doing it wrong. Seriously, put away your phones.

I didn't used to believe it either, but everything old people like me say about how fast you get old is true. And if you ever think back today, I bet you'll regret you didn't just talk to each other, or walk a few blocks to to one of those Chinese food buffets. In fifteen years, you aren't going to believe how hard it will be for you four to get together like this. Enikō will have another late day at the office because her boss is such an asshole. And Tünde's youngest son will have another ear infection and whenever she does go out all she does is talk about her kids anyway. And you all drifted away from Gyöngyi since she got mad at that thing you're going to do a few years from now and you aren't even sure you have her contact information anymore. And you don't hear much from Zsuzsa since she married that Danish guy and moved to Aarhus.

So really, whatever it is you are hunching over to watch on that tiny smartphone screen, no matter what you might think now, can wait. You're together, but really, you're not.


Some foreigner (who is okay with tech in every other way)

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